I've learned that a lot of my students like to hear the "back story" of a work of art. I haven't made many collages, but I love the creativity of that art process and I love mixed media. A dear friend and gifted artist, Judy Lanfredi (judylandfredi.com), has worked extensively in collage (one of which I am a proud owner) and I have always admired her work. Well this is how I got started in collage. Last winter we remodeled our kitchen and I wanted to hang one of my paintings in the kitchen. The problem was that the only available wall ( not blocked by appliances or cabinets) had our heating thermostat right smack in the middle! OK, I knew it couldn't be moved and I didn't consider it art on it own. My solution? Work with it. I created a 3D collage around the thermostat. I cut out the back of the collage so it fit around the thermostat and it became part of the art work! " Necessity is the Mother of Invention". Challenges and mistakes can take you in the most interesting directions!