Yesterday, I posted information about the brushes I use. Today I will give you a list of the paints that are in my palette. The first 12 paints are the ones I highly recommend if you are just starting out in watercolor. The colors that follow are optional but a welcoming addition. I like the Winsor & Newton brand and they have a student line, Winsor & Newton Cotman that are very good. Once you have your basic palette of colors in place feel free to peruse the watercolor paints at your local art supply store (or online) and supplement your palette with any other colors that appeal to you. Art and painting shouldn't be a strict experience. Experiment and have fun!
Cadmium Yellow Cadmium Red Alizarin Crimson Indian Red Sap Green Hookers Green Light Cobalt Blue
Ultramarine Blue Purple Payne's Gray Yellow Ochre Burnt Umber
Cadmium Yellow Pale Magenta Intense Phalo Green Hookers green Dark Cerulean Blue Indigo Raw Sienna
Burnt Sienna Van Dyke Brown Ivory Black
You may have noticed that I do not have White in my palette. I will say more about that in a future post. Stay tuned and check back often!