Well, this post is turning into a design update, but that is included in "All things art", isn't it? Lol. Well, a lot of the furnishings have been cleared out. Many decisions were made as to the functions we want the space to hold. We still want to be able to entertain (have dinners) in the space now and then. Instead of using the dining room once in a while to paint in, I will use the art room once in a while to dine in! Pop in the table leaf and add some chairs and it will be like dining in an art gallery. The music room can still be a sitting room, but now have a more designated and useful function. Here is the art room so far. The bench will be relocated and storage shelves will take it's place. I would like to find a more "artsy" chandelier. The windows will stay bare to give a more "loft" vibe to the space. Comments are welcomed.