John Lennon Painting in my Studio

It seems that there is some interest regarding the large painting in my studio - the John Lennon portrait.  This acrylic portrait was done by the (deceased) artist,  Denny Dent.  He was a motivational speaker, as well as, an artist.  He came to speak at the high school where I taught and painted four portraits on stage during the assembly.  I was so impressed and ended up purchasing this one from the artist.  He also left his art supplies for the Art Department.  The paint cans that he used are displayed on my wall next to the painting.  To really get the feel of how he worked watch the You Tube video below.  You will not be disappointed!

Basically,  I used the colors in this portrait to dictate the color scheme for my studio.  I painted the chairs and recovered them in some of the colors in the painting.