Watercolor brushes

Many beginning students come to my watercolor classes with an array of brushes.  One student even had about 30 brushes!  That's all well and good, but most of them are surprised to learn that mostly I use only ONE brush to paint most of my watercolors.  Well, the reasons are that I don't like switching brushes and I feel that I can get the job done with the one brush - a #8 round.  If  you get a high quality brush you can get a nice fine point at the tip for detail.  A #8 brush is substantial enough to fill in washes.  Occasionally, I will use a large #30 round brush for large washes and to paint skies. Recently, I have also started using a #4 for very fine detail.  The #8 brush I am using currently was purchased at Blick and says Utrecht  228 sablette.  I also have a #8 round Robert Simmons S85  (purchased at Jerry's Artarama) for a back up.  Thanks for stopping by!  Happy painting!


I will begin with one of my paintings.  I walk almost daily and I pass by these old firetrucks in a field.  I love the rusty color of the trucks and the way the weeds were growing around them.  After receiving permission from the owner I took several photos of the trucks from many angles.  I then did a detailed drawing and painted them in watercolor.  I used the image of this painting in the publicity for my last exhibit.  A friend, a retired fire chief, saw the painting and purchased it from me.  You never know where your inspiration will come from or with whom your art will strike a chord.   

watercolor painting

watercolor painting


All things art

This is my  first attempt at a blog.  The direction I would like this blog to take is to share with you "all things art".  I would like to share with you  my artistic discoveries:  inspirations, websites, art work,  students' work, basically, "all things art"  that I have found to help take you on a wonderful journey of enjoying the art process.